North Queensland Toyota Cowboys Gold Star member Stephanie Blucher will be enjoying a family holiday with her winnings of over $3,200 in the last home game's 50-50 Charity Raffle.
The 50-50 Charity Raffle is a new fundraising initiative for members and supporters at game day, giving patrons a chance to win a cash prize, while supporting the Cowboys Community Foundation and its community programs.
The decade-long Cowboys member couldn't believe her luck when her number was chosen at the Titans home game, asking everyone around her to check her ticket.
“I didn’t believe it was my number, I asked about six people around me to repeat the number, then someone looked the number up [online] and I made people check it again – I was absolutely stunned and surprised,” Ms Blucher said.
“We are going on a family holiday in August, so the money will be put towards that and will make it a better holiday. After that, what we have left will be saved for the next holiday!”
Mother of two young children – Ethan (4) and Charlotte (2) – Stephanie and her husband are both Townsville born and raised, and self-confessed Cowboys die-hards.
“We’re all huge Cowboys fans, and have been members for about 12 years now and come to every game.
“We love the Cowboys and love being there to support them – we love having our set seats every game, and love the special privileges we get being members.”
With the 50-50 Charity Raffle back for the Cowboys v Panthers afternoon game this Saturday, Stephanie says she will definitely buy another ticket!
“I think it’s a great initiative to fundraise for a charity while also having a winner of the competition.
“I’ll definitely enter the raffle again – we have to support the charity that supports the locals!”
As direct beneficiary of the initiative’s charitable efforts, the Cowboys Community Foundation is aimed at improving employment, health and social outcomes for young North Queenslanders through education-based programs.
How it works:
- 50-50 charity raffle tickets will be on sale throughout 1300SMILES Stadium from roaming staff and charity volunteers dressed in 50-50 green uniforms.
- Ticket prices: 3 numbers $5; 7 numbers $10; 16 numbers $20; 45 numbers $50; 100 numbers $100
- Every ticket sold will be electronically recorded and updated on ticket-seller iPads, on the 50-50 website and on the various screens throughout the stadium, so members and fans can monitor the draw and watch the total prize pool grow in real time.
- Tickets will be available from gates open until NRL kick-off, with a last chance to purchase during half time of the main game.
- The winning ticket number will be announced by loudspeaker before the end of the second half of the main game and also published on the Cowboys and 50-50 websites.
- The total proceeds of all 50-50 tickets sold at each game go into a prize pool, with 50% of the prize pool going to the lucky winner of the random draw (just after NRL half time each game); the remaining 50% will be donated to the Cowboys Community Foundation.
More information:
• 50-50 Charity Raffle: 5050draw.com.au
• Cowboys Community Foundation: cowboysfoundation.org.au
Terms and conditions: Ticket sales are only valid for the day they are sold, with sales closing approximately 10 minutes into NRL second half as per stadium clock and the draw will take place before the end of the second half of the NRL game. The winning ticket number will be announced by loudspeaker before the end of the second half of the main game and will be displayed on cowboys.com.au and 5050draw.com.au. Winner will meet coordinators at full time or be contacted the next working day post-game to arrange cash prize delivery. Draw is conducted by the 50-50 Foundation (ABN 92 944 713 763). Licence number: 158466.